Supraspinatus Impingement and Shoulder Pain

Move Better In Your Body Welcome to Part II of my Shoulder Pain series. Today we will be discussing the Supraspinatus Tendon. Where it is located, what movements it is responsible for and how it can wreak havoc on the shoulder and scapulothoracic joint, especially if you are an overhead throwing athlete… So Where is Read more about Supraspinatus Impingement and Shoulder Pain[…]

Shoulder Pain and The Long Head of The Bicep Tendon

Move Better In Your Body Welcome to the newly installed “Move Better In Your Body” movement series. We will be covering each region of the body from head to foot and unpack what self care techniques you can do on your own to create healthier and stronger shoulders. This movement series will begin with common Read more about Shoulder Pain and The Long Head of The Bicep Tendon[…]